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News Release

Oct 12 2023

Distinguished industry leader, Hal Kvisle, named as Board Chair of new Liquids Pipelines Company

CALGARY, Alberta, Oct. 12, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- News Release – TC Energy Corporation (TSX, 纽约证券交易所代码:TRP) (TC Energy或本公司)高兴地宣布,杰出的行业领袖Hal Kvisle已同意被任命为新成立的液体管道公司董事会主席. Today’s announcement follows the July 27, 2023 disclosure that TC Energy plans to separate into two independent, investment-grade, 通过分拆其液体管道业务(本交易或分拆).

TC Energy决定进行分拆,将使TC Energy和新的液体管道公司能够通过定位两个实体,充分利用增长机会,满足对其服务不断增长的需求,从而实现资产价值最大化. The Transaction is anticipated to be completed on a tax-free basis in the second half of 2024.

“哈尔是一位鼓舞人心、经验丰富的领导者,拥有丰富的行业经验,对威尼斯电玩城手游竞争激烈的北美液体系统有着深入的了解,” said Siim A. Vanaselja, Chair of TC Energy’s Board of Directors. “With his visionary leadership and strategic insights, 我相信哈尔的审慎决策和建议将有助于新公司取得长期成功.”

TC Energy董事会的一个特别委员会聘请了一家高管猎头公司来确定和评估高素质的董事会主席候选人.

“我很荣幸被任命为董事会主席,并期待与管理团队密切合作,为股东创造卓越和持久的价值,” said Mr. Kvisle. “The new company has a tremendous runway of opportunities ahead. 这是将这些高度战略资产的价值最大化的关键时刻,这些资产可以安全地将可靠的供应运输到需求最高的市场.”

Mr. Kvisle在包括Cenovus Energy在内的公司董事会任职期间拥有丰富的主席和董事经验, ARC Resources Ltd., Finning International Inc., Bank of Montreal and Talisman Energy Inc. From 2001 to 2010, Mr. Kvisle was President and Chief Executive Officer of TransCanada Corporation, now TC Energy. Prior to joining the Company, in 1999, he was the President of Fletcher Challenge Energy Canada Inc. Previously, he held engineering, finance and management positions with Dome Petroleum Limited. Mr. Kvisle自1975年以来一直在石油和天然气行业工作,自1999年以来一直在公用事业和电力行业工作.

Maximizing the value of the Liquids Pipelines business assets
Through the spinoff, 威尼斯电玩城手游正在加强其战略地位,保护液体管道资产的终端价值, increasing the ability to offer service and re-contract long-term, take-or-pay contracts. The new Liquids Pipelines Company will focus on the value of its unrivalled asset base. For additional detail on the Transaction, investor presentation materials and more, please visit our website at ty7.ooohang.com/liquids-spinoff.

About TC Energy
We’re a team of 7,000+ energy problem solvers working to move, generate and store the energy North America relies on. Today, we’re taking action to make that energy more sustainable and more secure. We’re innovating and modernizing to reduce emissions from our business. And, 威尼斯电玩城手游正在提供新的能源解决方案——从天然气和可再生能源到碳捕获和氢——以帮助其他企业和行业脱碳. Along the way, we invest in communities and partner with our neighbours, customers and governments to build the energy system of the future.

TC Energy的普通股在多伦多(TSX)和纽约(NYSE)证券交易所交易,代码为TRP. To learn more, visit us at TCEnergy.com.

本新闻稿包含某些前瞻性信息(此类声明通常伴随着“预期”等词)。, "expect", "believe", "may", "will", "should", "estimate", "intend" or other similar words). 威尼斯电玩城手游的前瞻性信息基于某些关键假设,并受到风险和不确定性的影响, including but not limited to the realization of the anticipated benefits of the Transaction; the terms, timing and completion of the Transaction, including the timely receipt of all necessary court, regulatory, third-party and shareholder approvals; the growth of the North American energy market; the ability of TC Energy and the Liquids Company to successfully implement their respective strategic priorities and whether they will yield the expected benefits; and the ability of TC Energy and the Liquids Company to implement capital allocation strategies aligned with maximizing shareholder value. 本文件中的前瞻性陈述旨在向威尼斯电玩城手游证券持有人和潜在投资者提供有关威尼斯电玩城手游及其子公司的信息, including management's assessment of TC Energy's and its subsidiaries' future plans and financial outlook. 所有前瞻性陈述都反映了威尼斯电玩城手游基于陈述时可用信息的信念和假设,因此不能保证未来的表现. 前瞻性陈述不保证未来业绩,您不应过分依赖前瞻性信息. Actual events and results could be significantly different because of assumptions, risks or uncertainties related to our business, the Transaction or events that happen after the date of this release. We do not update our forward-looking information due to new information or future events, unless we are required to by law. For additional information on the assumptions made, and the risks and uncertainties which could cause actual results to differ from the anticipated results, 请参阅TC Energy在SEDAR网站上提交的最新股东季度报告和年度报告 www.sedar.com and with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission at www.sec.gov.


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Media Relations
403-920-7859 or 800-608-7859

Investor & Analyst Inquiries:
Gavin Wylie / Hunter Mau
403-920-7911 or 800-361-6522

PDF available: http://ml.globenewswire.com/Resource/Download/ea1be244-c227-45d3-a3cd-e6c8e50629bc